Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom! Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding!

Proverbs 4:7 | MSG


Jerry & Tami McKinney

Co-FOUNDERs / Lead pastors

Pastors Jerry & Tami moved to San Diego in 1998 to start Carmel Church (formerly City Church). Since the beginning, they had a heart to see young people fulfill their calling in God and see their God-given potential. They immediately founded SDCLC and have sense seen thousands of young people complete the program and learn the value of discipleship.


Gabriel & Gaby Abbott

Academic Dean / professor

As the Youth and College pastors of Carmel Church, their heart is to see young people follow Jesus and become everything God created them to be. Gabriel has his Master’s of Divinity from Liberty University and Gaby has her undergraduate in Kinesiology from San Diego State. They are both full-time staff members and both graduates of the intern program.

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Tobe & Kris Ekwueme

ProfessorS & “the gathering” Young adult pastors

Tobe & Kris have been a part of City Church for nearly 25 years. He has his Master’s Degree in Architecture and she is a Patent Lawyer and Executive for a prestigious San Diego company. The oversee the Young Adult/Professional ministry of the Church and help in Freedom Groups. They also both help teach in the program and help in success counseling for students. Tobe is a graduate of SDCLC.


Nic & Jenny Schneider


Nic & Jenny are both Executive Team members of Carmel Church. They both have received their Bachelor’s degrees and are SDCLC graduates. Nic has a Bachelor’s degree and oversees church Administration, Groups, and Family Ministries in the church. Jenny helps oversee FAME (the women’s ministry of Carmel church) with Pastor Tami, Family ministries, as well as teaches in the Bible College.